Find what you need to navigate your small business through this unprecedented time. We’re here for you to help you rebuild and keep your dreams alive.
If you'd like to speak one-on-one with a professional, please schedule a meeting with one of our recovery specialists.
As the recovery resource landscape is rapidly evolving, the WNC Strong partners are hosting weekly webinars to provide updates and answer questions on the most current grants, recovery loans, and other programs. Find our upcoming dates and other related events below.
Explore Asheville continues to hear about the challenges our area’s businesses are experiencing with insurance claims following Helene—from business interruption claims to what weather conditions actually resulted in physical damages. To that end, Explore Asheville offered a free webinar with principals from a seasoned law firm, Gauthier Murphy & Houghtaling, who have extensive experience following named storms throughout the South. John Houghtaling, Kevin Sloan, and Pardis Moreland will lead the informative session. Watch the recording of the webinar at the link.
View PDF provided by North Carolina Department of Commerce and Business Recovery Collaborative.
If you are leasing business space, ensure that your lease owner has contacted their insurance carrier. Make a list of the damages and document the damage by taking pictures or providing before and after images.
Once a federal disaster declaration has been made for your area, connect with FEMA and complete an online application, use the FEMA app which can be downloaded for free from your smart phone’s app store, call 1-800-621- FEMA (3362) or meeting in person at a Disaster Recovery Center.
Call 800-228-8443 or email to get connected to a statewide network of support. You can expect no-cost support that is right-sized for your business needs. Se Habla Español.
Experienced business counselors can help you:
You may need a bridge loan, a longterm recovery loan, and grant funding. Talk with your business counselor to explore possibilities. Options can include:
If you are not eligible for UI benefits, the business owner and/or employee may be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA). DUA is a federal program that provides temporary payments to people in a federally declared disaster area whose employment has been lost or interrupted as a direct result of the disaster. Business owners that are self-employed, a farmer, or a commercial fisherman, who is unemployed as a direct result of the disaster may be eligible. For more information go to
Options include:
This is common after natural disasters and often leads people to delay real recovery plans. This is common after natural disasters and often leads people to delay real recovery plans. Help keep yourself and your community safe by being aware of rumors and scams, and sharing official information from trusted sources. A list of common rumors about NC’s response to Hurricane Helene is available at, and a searchable rumor database is available at
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is providing disaster assistance for homeowners, renters, nonprofits, and businesses of all sizes affected by Hurricane Helene.
For more details on the program see this webpage to learn more about the specific terms and eligibility for SBA loans.
FAQ Sheets: English and Spanish
Employees and self-employed individuals who are unable to work due to the disaster may be eligible for DUA even if they are not eligible for regular unemployment insurance. Apply at:
Find additSBTDC Helene resources here
Once you’re safe and able to communicate with the outside world, here are four things that businesses should do to alert key individuals and help position themselves for US Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loans and other funding:
The EDPNC has compiled a list of available resources for impacted families and businesses.
FEMA may be able to help with serious needs, displacement, temporary lodging, basic home repair costs, personal property loss or other disaster-caused needs.
There are several ways to apply: Go online to, use the FEMA App or call 800-621-3362 from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations assisting with storm recovery can apply for funding from the NC Disaster Relief Fund.
If storm damage and business disruption has you worried about paying your mortgage, there are several forms of assistance available.
Homeowners with conventional mortgages should contact their loan servicer as soon as possible to see if they are eligible for mortgage forbearance.
Homeowners with FHA loans may be eligible for a foreclosure moratorium and forbearance.
HUD offers free foreclosure prevention counseling, no matter what kind of mortgage you have.
Homeowners with FHA loans may be eligible for a foreclosure moratorium and forbearance.
HUD offers free foreclosure prevention counseling,, no matter what kind of mortgage you have.
AVLtoday has compiled a campaign guide for the many businesses facing increased need after the storm. Click to view.
ASAP is collaborating with other agricultural support agencies to build out the following resource lists. Click to view.
Mountain BizWorks has compiled a list of resources – including grants – by industry and county. We continue to update as more become available. Click to view.
This list is being continually updated. Please email any suggested additions to or call 828-701-1525.
To join this group of collaborative partners, please email Christine Laucher at